Western HS



WESTERN HIGH SCHOOL POLICY PAGES  ~  2024-2025 Parents, please read through this packet with your student, to understand the school policies. Keep this policy packet at home for future reference. This packet is step one of Western High School’s Progressive Discipline Policy and constitutes your warning! PLEASE READ IT THOROUGHLY. Some new policies have been added and others have been revised. All policies are subject to change as deemed necessary by administration. In order to avoid all any discipline issues students are encouraged to just follow the rules. Be where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing! Thank you!



Click on individual policy link to see its policy

Parent Responsibilities

The school has the following expectations of every parent:

• Create a quiet place for studying

• Monitor the completion of homework assignments and projects

• Communicate with teachers as needed

• Support the school, its policies, and its effort to maintain a safe, academic    environment where all teachers can teach and every student has an opportunity to learn

• Call the school if there are any questions or concerns

I understand that as a parent, it is my responsibility to ensure that my child:

• Follows the school’s policies

• Is respectful

• Is held accountable for his/her actions

Grade Report Dates

Grade reports will be sent to the address that we have on record during the following time periods.

Dates to Expect Report Grade Report

  • October 2 - 9 1stQuarter Progress Report
  • November 5 - 13 1st Quarter Grades
  • December 11 - 18 2nd Quarter Progress Report
  • February 3 - 12 1st Semester Grades (2nd Quarter)*
  • March 5 - 12 3rd Quarter Progress Report
  • April 14 - 23 3rd Quarter Grades
  • May 14 - 21 4th Quarter Progress Report
  • June 17 - 25 2nd Semester Grades (4th Quarter)*

*These are permanent grades that will appear on the student’s transcript.

Final Exam Policy

Students must take final exams during the final exam schedule.

The final exam schedule for the 2009-2010 school year is as follows:

First Semester:

Grades 9-12: Wednesday, January 27 and Thursday, January 28

Second Semester:

Grade 12:

Tuesday, June 15 and Wednesday, June 16

Graduation day is Wednesday, June 16

Grades 9 - 11:

Tuesday, June 15 and Wednesday, June 16

The last day of school is June 16. Please schedule your personal events and trips around these dates.

Academic Honesty and Cheating Policy

Cheating is prohibited. Cheating in the form of copying, plagiarism, academic dishonesty, or deception that unfairly, improperly or illegally enhances the grade on an individual or group assignment, or a final course grade will result in serious consequences. Cutting and pasting from the internet or other sources is cheating. If students have any doubt as to whether a particular act constitutes cheating, he/she should ask the teacher before proceeding.

Students who cheat will receive the following:

• A zero on the assignment, project, or test

• A referral in their permanent record

• Semester grade lowered by one letter

• A phone call home

• Multiple offenses will result in a failing grade in the class the incident occurred, a three day suspension, a parent conference, and student placed on a discipline contract

Note: Tampering with teacher grades (on assignments, in grade books, or in computer databases) will result in reduction of grade, possibly including failure of the course, possible arrest, and possible expulsion.

Students serving as a teacher and/or office aide who are found tampering with any school documents or records will be given a failing grade and may be removed from the class.

Attendance and Tardy Policy


Section 48205 of the Californian Education Code lists seven valid reasons for students to miss school. Make up work is allowed only if their absence is based on one of these valid reasons:

1. Illness

2. Quarantine by health officer

3. Medical, dental or optometric appointments

4. Funeral services of an immediate family member (one day if the service is conducted in California and not more than three days if the service is conducted outside California).

5. Religious holiday

6. School field trip or activity

7. Personal (up to three days per school year with prior administrator approval)

State Education code defines a habitual truant as any student who misses more than three days (unexcused/unverified). Students who are habitual truants WILL BE referred to the School Attendance Review Board for consideration by the District Attorney.

Illnesses up to three days may be verified by the parent. Illnesses of longer duration or that are chronic and cause the student to miss school frequently will require a doctor’s note. Eighteen year old students are required to present a note from the parent/guardian for all absences.

Procedure following an absence:

• Student must bring in a note from the parent/guardian or doctor within 24 hours to the attendance office*

• Students who do not have their absence cleared the day of the absence, need to go to the attendance office and pick up a readmit to show to all teachers

Procedure for leaving school early:

• Student brings a signed note from parent to attendance office before school

• Parent calls attendance office notifying school of early out request

• Student shows early out slip to appropriate teacher

• Student signs out in the attendance office before leaving campus

*A “U” (unexcused) will be placed on the student’s attendance record for medical visits until a doctor/dental note is presented.

Students, who accumulate five unexcused absences in a class, may receive a failing course grade for that semester and may be removed from the class. An unverified absence is the same as unexcused. The teachers’ individual policies regarding make up work after excused absences will be found in their class curriculum letter/syllabus. Missed assignments and exams due to unexcused absences cannot be made up.


NO EXCUSES WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR FIRST PERIOD TARDIES, except for doctor/dental note. Parents may not excuse students who arrive late for any reason.

If a doctor/dental note is not presented during first period, students will be assigned a detention and sent to class.

Students who arrive late to school must:

• Sign in at the attendance office upon arrival before going to class and use their detention slip as their pass to class

• First period absences require a prior phone call or note from their parent/guardian at the time the student arrives at school. Notes and phone calls will not be accepted after the student arrives at school.

* Students who are late to school due to illness or not feeling well must report to the nurse before going to the attendance office.

Every five UNEXCUSED tardies will result in the lowering of the student’s course grade by one full letter.

Class Change Policy

Western students are placed in courses based on student requests, standardized test scores, and teacher recommendations.

Schedule changes will only be made for the following reasons:

• To balance classes so that overcrowding does not occur

• To correct a scheduling error

All schedule changes will be determined and approved by the counseling staff.

Schedule changes WILL NOT be made for the following reasons:

• Student does not like the teacher or the instructional style

• Parent does not like the teacher

• Teacher is “too hard” or “too easy”

• Student is failing the class

• Course content is perceived by the student to be too difficult

• Personality conflicts

Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy

Cell phones and electronic devices must not be visible or used anywhere on campus for any reason between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 2:37 p.m. All cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off and kept in backpacks.

Consequences for cell phone/electronic device use will be:

• Item will be confiscated from the student

• Student will be removed for the remainder of the class period and assigned one day of Student Success Class

• A referral will be placed in their permanent record

• The item will be returned ONLY to the parent/guardian of the student at the end of the school day. Students, siblings, neighbors, relatives or others listed on the emergency card may not pick up the cell phone/electronic device

• Third and subsequent violations will result in suspension

• Continued defiance of this policy may result in transfer or expulsion

Western High School and the AUHSD are not responsible for lost, stolen or broken cell phones or electronic devices. Western High School and the AUHSD are not responsible and will NOT pay for phones/electronic devices that are lost or stolen after confiscation. There will be no investigation for lost or stolen electronic devices.

If you need to contact your student or leave a message for your student during school hours, you may call the attendance office. Students who are ill must call home through the health office, not on their cell phones.

Dress Code Policy

While on campus, students shall be dressed and groomed in a manner which reflects good taste and decency, and will not detract from or interfere with the educational process, environment, instructional program, general morale or image of the school.

The following are NOT acceptable on campus:

• Mid-drift tops which expose any portion of the mid-section, tube tops, spaghetti and string straps, and shorts or skirts that expose the buttocks

• Low cut apparel that have a plunging neckline and/or reveal an excessive area of the chest and/or back

• Under garments, underwear and ANY other clothing worn under pants, dresses, skirts, or shorts must be concealed at ALL TIMES

• Slippers and/or pajamas

• Cut/torn clothing or garments with holes, even if purchased that way

• Belt buckles with initials

• Hats, caps, bandanas, hairnets, scarves, headbands, or any other head covering, including sweat shirt hoods (Girls may wear scarves as headbands)

• Wallet chains, spiked bracelets, collars, excessive metal on belts

• Gloves must be worn with a jacket and only in cold weather

• Socks pulled up to the knees with shorts worn below the knee

• Sunglasses in the classroom

• Oversized/baggy clothing (pants must fit at the waist/shirt tails must not extend below the hands)

• Gang look is not appropriate. Examples: Nike Cortez shoes, Dickies shorts/pants, oversized white t-shirts, nylon jacket, gloves without a jacket (This look is at the discretion of school administration)

• Skirts/dresses/shorts that are too short as determined by administration

• Dress, grooming or accessories that are unsafe, dangerous, distracting, or a health hazard including those which:

  • Display offensive or obscene symbols, signs, slogans or words, degrading any cultural, religious or ethnic values
  • Display language or symbols oriented toward sex, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence or weapons
  • Display gang, tagger crew and /or clique symbols, colors, slogans or signs (Because some gangs have adopted Raiders and Cowboys football jerseys and shirts as their attire, Raiders and Cowboy apparel of any kind are not allowed)

Because fashions, trends, styles and fads change rapidly, the principal reserves the right to adjust the dress code as needed.

The consequence for violating the dress code will be:

• Immediate placement in Student Success Class for first and second offenses

• Suspension for third and subsequent offenses

• Additionally, students will be required to change clothing or have the parent bring appropriate clothing to school

Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

Any student under the influence or in possession of drugs, alcohol or tobacco, or drug paraphernalia either at school, at any school event, or on the way to or from school, regardless of how they were acquired will receive disciplinary consequences.

Possessing, providing, sharing, or selling drugs, in any amount will result in the following consequences:

  • Five day suspension
  • Transfer to another school or expulsion from AUHSD
  • Citation or arrest
  • Mandatory drug counseling
  • Parents referred to district approved parenting class
  • Prescription medication with a doctor’s order must be secured in the health office and dispensed by the health clerk under a physician’s order.

Weapons, Dangerous Objects, and Fighting

• Any student in possession of a weapon or a look-a-like weapon will be suspended and arrested

• Fighting will be investigated and appropriate consequences will result.

Consequences may include suspension and possible citation by the Police for disorderly conduct

• A second fight will result in further disciplinary action with possible school transfer and/or expulsion, and citation by the Police

Student Parking

Permits cost $10 and will not be replaced if lost or stolen

• Permits are a privilege and can be revoked for various reasons, such as, speeding, reckless driving, excessive discipline, continued defiance, a GPA below a 2.00, and being on probationary status

• Cars parked on campus are subject to being searched when there are reasonable grounds

Valuables, Bikes, and Skateboards

• Don’t bring anything valuable to school

• Western High School and AUHSD is not responsible for any stolen or misplaced items

• Bikes and skateboards must be properly locked in the appropriate place

Student Activities and Event Policies

Participation in activities and events is a privilege.

The following will exclude a student from participating in a WHS event or activity:

• GPA below 2.0 (from 1st quarter progress and quarter 1, 2, and 3)

• Seven or more tardies

• Five or more unexcused absences

• Five total days of on campus and/or regular suspension

• Being on probationary status

Littering Policy

Littering is prohibited anywhere on campus. Students caught littering will receive a consequence.


All forms of tagging/graffiti are prohibited.

Possession of tagging/graffiti implements will result in the following consequences:

• Suspension

• Arrest

• Restitution

• Parents referred to district approved parenting class

• Transfer or expulsion

Identification Card Policy

Students must carry their current school year identification card at all times. Students without their identification card will receive a detention.

Replacement ID cards may be purchased at the activities office.

Progressive Discipline Policy

Western High School follows progressive steps in assigning disciplinary consequences for rule violations. Students are expected to follow all rules and policies outlined in the California State Education Code, the AUHSD Parent and Student Handbook and the Western High School Policy Pages. These policy pages are the first step in the progressive discipline policy. These are your warnings.

Major infractions may result in immediate removal from Western on the first offense.

Any violation of this policy will result in a referral.

Most common referral reasons (this is not an inclusive list):

  • Defiance of Authority
  • Disruption
  • Truancy
  • Profanity/Vulgarity
  • Dress Code
  • Cheating
  • Harassment
  • Fighting
  • Stealing
  • Out of Bounds
  • Weapons
  • Drugs
  • Graffiti/Vandalism
  • No Show to Detention
  • Three tardies to any one class 

If a student accumulates five referrals during the school year, he/she will be placed on probationary status. The following offenses will count as one of the probationary status referrals (this is not an inclusive list):

  • defiance of authority
  • disruption
  • cell phone/electronic devices
  • graffiti/vandalism
  • profanity/vulgarity
  • fighting
  • drugs
  • cheating
  • stealing
  • harassment
  • dress code

Once on probationary status, the student will be subject to one or more of the following:

  • Loss of parking privilege
  • Exclusion from attending dances and school activities
  • Exclusion from graduation ceremony
  • Removal or suspension from extra-curricular activities
  • Pay restitution
  • Community service to the school

In order to be removed from probationary status, the parent, student and administrator will meet to determine a program of positive actions to be completed so that the student may resume regular status. Probationary status carries over from year to year. Referrals may be worked off during the summer with administration approval.

In order to regain regular standing you must complete one of the following for each referral (time of service to be determined and verified by administration):

• Increase quarter grades by one full GPA point

• No referrals for a quarter

• No discipline for a month

• Working with a teacher on a project

• Attend tutoring

• Assisting special education students

• Assisting athletic facilities/custodial staff

• Attend counseling through social work intern

• Attend social group counseling

• Student finds and works with a staff mentor

• Perfect attendance for a month

• Assisting a coach or athletic trainer

• Write a behavior reflection paper

• Volunteer time with ASB


• Students are responsible for notifying parents

• Students must bring school work and a reading book

• Late students will not be admitted

• Students will not be admitted without a current photo ID card

Student Success Class (SSC)

• Students are responsible for notifying parents and obtaining a parent signature

• A homework request sheet must be filled out by the student

• Students must bring school work and a reading book

• Students must work on their own assignments or an academic packet provided by the Student Success Instructor.

• Students must report directly to the SSC room by 8:00 a.m. and will be released at 3:45 p.m.

• Students who are disruptive or who refuse to do their assignments will be sent home on suspension


• Student and parents are notified, and a parent conference may be scheduled

• Student is responsible for missed assignments

• Students may not participate in any school activity or event during the suspension period

• Parents may request homework

Discipline Interventions:

1. Phone call home

2. Teacher’s classroom rules as written in their curriculum letter

3. Parent conference

4. Group counseling

5. Detention

6. Student Success Class

7. Home suspension

8. Placement on probation list

9. Parenting classes

10. Referral to school resource officer

11. Other

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