Western HS

School Site Council needs members for the 2024-2025 school year!


What the School Site Council Does
The School Site Council is an elected group of teachers, parents, classified employees, and students who work with the principal to develop, review, evaluate and allocate funds for school improvement programs.


The council is formed to make decisions about how state-allocated categorical funds will be spent.   Our School Site Council examines student achievement data from standardized tests and determines the academic goals for each school year.   Any government funding received by the school is then apportioned out according to these goals. 


The idea behind the creation of the councils in the 1970s was that those most closely involved with the schools and students on a day-to-day basis could often make the best decisions about how schools needed to improve.   Successful School Site Councils, regardless of their specific agendas, are more than a "rubber stamp" committee, and will always ask thoughtful and challenging questions.


School Site Council members; whether teachers, classified employees or parents, don't just represent their own interests, they have an obligation to make decisions that will best serve the whole school community.


This is a very important committee and can make a huge difference in the lives of our students.  Could you give an average of 1 hour of your time each month to positively impact our school and our students?  Would you join us on the School Site Council to make these improvements a reality? 



You are hereby notified that a regular meeting of the Site Council of Western High School is called for on TBD.  Meetings are generally held on the last Tuesday of each month from 3:30-4:30 p.m. via Google Meets with some exceptions as noted below: 


Feel free to look at the previous year to see what the schedule consisted of! 2023-2024 Agenda


Meeting Dates (TBD)


****All Meetings are Open to the Public****

 Special meetings may be called in the event that there is business to discuss. Contact Ms. Leang (leang_c@auhsd.us) for the Google Meet link.






Approve meeting schedule>

Ratify membership/ Elections

Elect officers

SSC Training – Review committee member roles & functions




Share School Plan

Review Student Achievement Data, ELAC, and School-wide Title I goals

Review/ Revise Parent Policy


Review & revise School Plan / Approve Plan if ready



Approve School Plan

SPSA peer review


No Meeting, unless needed




Progress Updates

Program Monitoring

WASC Goals & ESLR’s




Progress Updates

Program Monitoring

WASC Goals & ESLR’s<





SSC self-evaluation

SPSA goal progress review

Position  Vacancies &

Call for nominations for next year’s council


Finalize nominations for next year’s council / Elections


Thank members for participation!




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