Western HS

Western High School is the only school in AUHSD that offers the YouTube Creator Academy.  

Applications for the YouTube Creator Academy can be found HERE.

Academic Programs Overview

YouTube Creator Academy

The YouTube Creator Academy is a four-year career pathway in the Arts, Media and Entertainment industry sector. Students will develop the skills and vision to become a leader and innovator in the modern creative space. Students will be immersed in the world of new and emerging technologies, storytelling and content creation. Students will use industry standards tools and applications to bring their stories and ideas to life.

Students will visit colleges, receive leadership training, and benefit from close academic advisement.

YouTube students receive support during all 4 years of high school to graduate and be successful outside of high school.


Who we’re looking for academically:

YouTube students are highly motivated and dedicated to maintaining at least 2.0 GPA.

They may need some extra support to do well in school but are motivated.

Who we’re looking for: Students with big ideas and diverse voices that want to make a positive impact in our communities and beyond. The YouTube Creator Academy will challenge students to examine and express themselves as individuals and as active participants in an increasingly global community.


The YouTube Creator Academy is a four-year career pathway that allows students to explore content creation in today's global culture. From mobile to the big screen, students will explore the diverse forms of media required to tell powerful and thought-provoking stories. Students use industry tools and applications to create, develop and distribute content that is meaningful, engaging and inspiring. Throughout the academy, students will evaluate and successfully use modern design principles to enhance and increase visibility for a message or cause they are passionate about. The academy will lead students to find their spark and discover their genius.

YouTube Creator students are expected to serve as community leaders and to mentor future generations of students. Collaborating with English, Social Science and Technology classes from 9th - 12th grade, the program will give students a strong foundation of identity, culture and self-empowerment through imagery, video and social media.

Supports Provided Through the YouTube Creator Academy:

  • Academic Advisement / Guidance- specific counselor assigned to students
  • College & Industry Field Trips / Career Exploration
  • Leadership Training
  • Pioneer Press Club
  • Preparation for College and Career
  • Extra Curricular Activities / Community Service Learning

Sequence of Courses





Changing Hearts (ELA)


Graphic Communications

Get Reel (ELA)

World History By Design

Video Production 1 (online)

Depth of Field (ELA)

US History For Academy

Video Production 2

Reading Movies (ELA)


Broadcast Media Productions



Applications for the YouTube Creator Academy are at:  bit.ly/whsytapp

Letter of Recommendations link is:    bit.ly/whsletter

Here is a link to my PowerSchool:


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