Western HS

Individuals with identified disabilities are offered programs promoting maximum interaction with the general school population. A full continuum of educational program options is made available to our special needs students. Many of our students are mainstreamed into general education academic and elective classes.

The academic goals and curricula for Special Education students are determined at Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings, ensuring that the curricula are relevant and rigorous according to the student's needs and abilities. Each discipline within Special Education has its own "Key to Learning" which is aligned with the curricular standards. Course offerings include: English, Reading, Math, Social Science, Science, Health, Computer Applications, Arts and Crafts, and Work Experience.

The Special Education Department of Western High School has an ongoing collaboration with various organizations of the community. Special Education students have the opportunity to receive on-site job training at West Anaheim Medical Center. This program is implemented through the Transition Partnership Program sponsored by the GASELPA (Greater Anaheim Special Education Local Place Placement Area) and the Department of Rehabilitation.

Special Education students participate in many extracurricular activities: drill team/color guard, football, basketball, track, wrestling, water polo, choir, JROTC, and school dances. Participation in these programs creates a positive and caring environment for our students.


Special Education Department Staff
George Clark clark_g@auhsd.us
Brenna Clymer clymer_b@auhsd.us
Ty Davis davis_t@auhsd.us
Marius Evangelista evangelista_m@auhsd.us
William Hanson hanson_w@auhsd.us
Traci Hensel hensel_t@auhsd.us
Greg Hoffman hoffman_jo@auhsd.us
Joseph Palus palus_j@auhsd.us


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